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Portland, Oregon, United States
Co-founder, co-editor of Gobshite Quarterly and Reprobate/GobQ Books

Thursday, September 9, 2021


has very kindly objected to my sharing the post about my publications this summer, refuses to let me share, demands I tell them why it does not "violate community standards". And so...

I've come to the conclusion that the block on sharing this post was random. Or the reasoning for it so obscure and/or technical that to all intents and purposes—such as informing the user of the actually evaluable or even fixable problem—the block becomes random the second it is applied.

Facebook constantly allows all sorts of deadly misinformation—from QANON conspiracies to anti-vaccination ranting to the Big Lie about the 2020 election in the U.S.—to spread everywhere. There's nothing surer under a Democratic admninistration than that one or more of Facebook's top level executives will be called to another Congressional or Senate enquiry. Sooner or later.

And what is a poor picked on executive to say?

We have measures in place. In our efforts to stamp out this kind of abuse of our platform we have already blocked X kerjillion posts, but we can only react... It's the nature of the net... Data mining? Senator, Congressman, I'm not sure I follow. Can you explain?

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