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Portland, Oregon, United States
Co-founder, co-editor of Gobshite Quarterly and Reprobate/GobQ Books

Monday, May 4, 2020

Ain't no mountain high enough

He's always been beyond contempt. This is criminally negligent, or was: he's been so "incompetent" at this for so long it takes the "involuntary" out of involuntary manslaughter and takes the manslaughter out of the murder by means of indifference &/or malice aforethought.

To date 60,000+ counts of...

Through repeated acts of blindness & refusal to act; through repeated orders to hijack, sequester and hide medical supplies ordered, paid for & en route to various states (what is he going to do with millions of masks?); through refusal to attend task force briefings and/or answer questions; through hucksterism of snake-oil "cures;" through advocating self-treatment with household bleach; through support for the anti-lockdown protests, he has become the mass murderer of US citizens & residents on the mainland.

Ain't no Nuremberg big enough; ain't no Guantanamo bleak enough.

From the first thing he ever said, from his descent down an elevator to a crowd he had paid to joyously stand at its foot (his feet); from his refusal to send aid to Puerto Rico, there never was.