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Portland, Oregon, United States
Co-founder, co-editor of Gobshite Quarterly and Reprobate/GobQ Books

Monday, February 20, 2017

The Crucifixes

I'm very pleased with this book, pleased with it beyond reason. The design by R.V. Branham is simple and beautiful; the Democratica font reminds me of Uncial and Half Uncial lettering, mediaeval manuscripts.

That alone would be wondrous.

But the thing about it, I came to realize, is that it reminded me that when I was 13 one of our set texts was a kid's biography of Marie Curie. And remembering that, the feeling of reading it, I realized that that child and I hadn't admired Marie Curie, but Maria Sklodowska. I didn't imagine the lab, the nuclear industry, the Nobel prizes. The later part of the book had little hold on me. Only the search and the finding.

This book is the radium distilled from the pitchblende.