About Me

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Portland, Oregon, United States
Co-founder, co-editor of Gobshite Quarterly and Reprobate/GobQ Books

Sunday, January 31, 2016

Flint's Water

As Michael Moore says: it's worse than you think.

Of course this is what the rich do, if they're allowed.
Of course it's an outrage.
Of course it's criminal negligence.
Of course it's 9 counts of manslaughter.
Of course it's mass assault with chemical weapons.
Of course it's grievous bodily harm inflicted on every Flint resident.
Of course it's mass theft of every Flint homeowner's home's market value.
Of course this is a (class-) war crime.
Of course Snyder and every one of his apparatchiks should be indicted.
Of course Snyder and every one of his apparatchiks should go to prison forever.

And as long as Flint's water is like this, Snyder and every one of his apparatchiks should have to drink it.

Friday, January 22, 2016

Malheur - Another White Riot

As they re-characterize every function and agency of society, land, and government, it becomes clearer and clearer that the Bundy-led group occupying the Malheur Wildlife Refuge want to recognize nothing larger than themselves.

Their armed lunacy is that old bumper sticker writ large: "The Bible says it, I believe it, and that settles it" - and amounts to what that sticker always did amount to: Bible-bashing, gun-toting bluster and threat.

In the meantime the Federal Government continues to co-operate in its own re-characterization as cowed, paralyzed and ... illegitimate, completely sacrificing public rights and responsible land management to the kind of armed greed & invasion that western flicks romanticized for 80 years.*

(This is the way the world ends - stumbling around in a fog of phantoms and symbols.)


*Reductio'd ad absurdum in the belt-buckle emblem "God, guns and guts made this country great." (Pay no attention to the threat in the gun, little darlin' - the alliteration makes it true.)